Blog Four
Letter to the Future
To the high school class of 2022,
I remember how I felt not too long ago when I was graduating high school. There’s a special sort of excitement you feel when you finally finish your years in high school. In the weeks leading up to graduation, my stomach was in knots of excitement and anticipation. These knots slide over each other, evoking pangs of giddiness, swirling for weeks, building momentum, displaying a permanent smile on my face. However, when it eventually came to the day of my graduation ceremony, the knots in my stomach had turned sickly, filling my body with fear. You may be feeling the same way I did. You may be struggling to mute that voice in the back of your head that is telling you that you’re gonna struggle to fit in at your future college and fail to manage all the work that is dropped on you. However I want to tell you that it is all going to be okay, which may seem cliché, but it truly will be okay and I’m telling you this from experience as a transfer student. I know that feeling of being overwhelmed but think of college as a gateway to opportunities. College offers you a chance to not only start new chapters in your life but also to rewrite the chapters of the past. Everyone else is in the same position as you are, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and step out of your comfort zone! Be sure that you don't take these next 4 years of your life for granted, and live your life without any regrets!