Blog One
Unleashing My Creativity: Breaking Free from Conformity

The struggle for creative expression began in school. The environments I experienced prioritized conformity above all else. We were expected to fit into a predefined mold and any deviation from the norm was met with disapproval. In such an environment, individuality and self-expression were suppressed in favor of conformity. Throughout my early years, I associated creativity solely with artistry. The ability to draw, envision something unique, or produce artwork was seen as the hallmark of a creative person. This narrow view left me feeling uncreative, as I believed I lacked the artistic talents that society seemed to equate with creativity. This misconception was a significant barrier to recognizing the creative potential within me.
To escape the stifling conformity of my school years, I turned to social media. My creative journey began with platforms like "Video star" and later evolved into TikTok. These platforms provided a space where I could express myself without the fear of judgment or restrictions. Creating “Video stars” allowed me to explore and celebrate creativity in various forms, beyond the confines of traditional art. During my secondary school years, I created a YouTube channel. This channel became my personal haven for creativity, a place where I could document my life, share my interests, and express myself freely. I loved creating content, editing videos, and sharing my perspective with the world. Unfortunately, as I entered high school, I succumbed to peer pressure and the fear of judgment. I decided to abandon the channel, believing that it was better to conform to the expectations of those around me.
The true turning point came when I graduated from high school. I noticed that people around me were also learning to care less about what others thought. This newfound confidence inspired me to let go of my own fear and embrace my creativity. I realized that my fear of judgment and the desire to fit in were only inhibiting my growth as an individual. I began wearing the clothes I liked and posting content that resonated with me on social media, without being constrained by the opinions of others. Today, my primary source of creative expression is TikTok. It's a platform where I can be myself, post content that I love, and connect with like-minded individuals. TikTok provides me with the freedom to express my unique perspective and talents without any fear of judgment or conformity.
My journey from feeling creatively stifled to embracing self-expression has taught me a valuable lesson. Creativity is not limited by societal expectations or peer pressure. It is a dynamic force that can be found in everything we do, from the way we dress to the content we share on social media. It took some time, but I learned to let go of fear and be true to myself. Now, I express my creativity openly and without hesitation. If you find yourself in a similar situation, remember that your creativity is worth celebrating and sharing with the world. So, break free from the constraints, embrace your unique self, and let your creativity shine. In doing so, you'll discover a world of possibilities that were waiting for you all along.